http-proxy-tunnel - Tunnel through HTTP proxies  


http-proxy-tunnel [--forward=addr] proxy ...  


Http-proxy-tunnel tunnels through http proxies. In other words, http-proxy-tunnel creates a TCP connection to the last host:port listed on its command line, but does so via the http proxies listed before it.



-f addr, --forward=addr
If present http-proxy-tunnel will listen for connections on addr, creating a new tunnel for each one and then forwards data between the connection and the tunnel. Addr can be a internet socket with of the format [ip_address]:listen_port. If ip_address isn't given http-proxy-tunnel will listen on all interfaces. Addr can also be the pathname to a named socket, in which case it must contain a /. The program executes until sent a signal.
If not present http-proxy-tunnel's standard input is sent along the TCP connection and data received from the connection appears on http-proxy-tunnel's standard output. The program exits when both ends have closed their write channels. This is how a program expects a network connection to behave but can be surprising to a human expecting the program to exit when the tunnel is closed.

-?, -h, --help
Print a help message and exit.

-V, --version
Print the programs version and exit.



The remaining arguments on the command line consist of a series of proxies to connect to, the last one being the final destination. Connections from a proxy to the next point are made using the http proxy CONNECT method.

The first proxy can be a single ., meaning use the proxy defined in the http_proxy environment variable. Otherwise a proxy is specified using this syntax:


If supplied this must be one of http://, https:// or ssl://. If not supplied it defaults to http://. If https:// is used the connection will be made using SSL, otherwise not.

The host to connect to. This can be an IP address or a DNS name.

The port to connect to. If not supplied port 80 will be used for http://, port 443 for https:// and port 22 for ssl://.



The README.txt in http-proxy-tunnel's distribution contains a section on configuring ssh and Apache to use http-proxy-tunnel to tunnel a ssh session through a series of http proxies. The connection to the final server is made over the same port web pages are served from.

RFC 2817 describes the http proxy CONNECT method.



Russell Stuart, <>.